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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore Fitness Site Map



The following is the Site Map of this web portal, showcasing the range of fitness services and solutions that I provide here in Singapore.


Please use it to access the specific fitness service or category that you are looking for:


About Us

Information on this site, its philosophy and its range of services.


Advanced/Specialized Fitness Credentials

List of advanced and specialized fitness credentials that I have attained through the years.


Complete List Of Singapore Fitness Services

My complete range for services for the middle-aged, older adults and seniors living here in Singapore.


Contact Us

My phone and e-mail contact addresses for all your fitness enquires. 


Home Page

An overview of my fitness services for the mid-life, older adult and senior population groups here in Singapore.


Importance Of Trainer Verification & Validation

Reasons why everyone should verify and validate their trainers' qualifications and credentials.


Live-Streamed Video Workouts

My "live" video workout programs that allow you to work with me in real-time remotely.


Online And Virtual Fitness Programs

Types of online/virtual workout programs that I offer in here in Singapore.


PDF Pre-Recorded Exercise Program

My customized, pre-recorded PDF workout programs to be delivered virtually to you.


Personal Training Options In Singapore

My range of personal training options available to each and every preference.


Professional Fitness Associations And Affiliations

the list of associations and affiliations that I have to other world-class fitness organizations and authorities.


Reasons For Choosing Me To Be Your Fitness Partner

Compelling reasons why you should choose me to partner you in your fitness journey.


Singapore Aerobic And Cardio Training Program

Overview of my cardio and aerobic training programs for seniors and older adults.


Singapore Beach Fitness Program

Overview of my fitness programs conducted on public beaches for seniors/older adults in Singapore.


Singapore Body Weight Fitness Program

Description of my body weight training programs for the mid-life and mature populations.


Singapore Car Park Fitness Program

Overview of my fitness programs conducted at public car parks for seniors/older adults in Singapore.


Singapore Cardio Kickboxing Programs

Description of my modified and adapted cardio kickboxing programs for older adults here in Singapore.


Singapore Circuit Training Programs

Description of my circuit training programs specially-designed for the mid-life and elderly population groups here in Singapore.


Singapore Core Fitness Program

Description of my island-wide core fitness programs for the mature population.


Singapore Core Fitness Training FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my core fitness programs for the senior/older adult population.


Singapore Couple/Partner Fitness Workout Program

Description of my island-wide couple/partner fitness program for the mature population.


Singapore Couple/Partner Fitness Training FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my senior/older adult couple/partner fitness program.


Singapore Covid Safety Measures And Protocols

Overview of my covid safety measures and protocols for all fitness programs here in Singapore.


Singapore Exercise Ball Workout Program

Overview of my island-wide exercise ball training program for the middle-aged and senior population groups.


Singapore Environmental Fitness Program

Overview of my island-wide environmental fitness program for the mid-life and older adult population.


Singapore Fat Loss Programs

Description of my island-wide fat loss and weight management fitness program specially-designed for the mid-life, older adult and senior population groups.


Singapore Fitness Boot Camps And Group Fitness Training

Description of my island-wide boot camp and group training programs for seniors/older adults.


Singapore Fitness Boot Camp FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my fitness boot camp program.


Singapore Fitness Code Of Ethics

My code of conduct and ethics that govern all our dealings with the public, our clients and fellow fitness professionals.


Singapore Fitness Comparison Chart

Chart comparing my services to other fitness providers.


Singapore Fitness Corner Workouts

Description of the island-wide fitness corner workout options that I have for the mature population groups.


Singapore Fitness FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my range of fitness services here in Singapore.


Singapore Fitness Guarantee

My guarantee to all our clients and customers here in Singapore.


Singapore Fitness Partnerships, Collaborations And Joint Venture Opportunities

My strategic partnerships and collaborations with other like-minded fitness businesses.


Singapore Fitness Philosophy And Approach

Description of my underlying philosophy, principles and approach that govern all my fitness programs.


Singapore Fitness Press Release

My press and media statements governing my fitness business here in Singapore.


Singapore Fitness Promotions And Offers

My latest promotions and offers - exclusive only to those residing here in Singapore.


Singapore Fitness Rates And Pricing

Up-to-date pricing and charges for all my fitness services. 


Singapore Fitness Resources And Products

My fitness resources and products.


Singapore Fitness Services Payment Options

List of payment options available for my various fitness services.


Singapore Fitness Testimonials

List of genuine and authentic client testimonials collected over the years.


Singapore Fitness Tests And Assessments

Types of fitness tests and assessments that I conduct here in Singapore.


Singapore Fitness Workshops And Courses

Types of fitness courses and workshops that I conduct here in Singapore.


Singapore Flexibility Training Programs

Overview of my flexibility and stretching programs for seniors/older adults here in Singapore.


Singapore Foam Roller Workout Program

Description of my foam-rolling exercise program for the mid-life and mature populations here in Singapore.


Singapore Functional Fitness Programs

Description of my island-wide functional fitness training program specially-designed for the older adult population group.


Singapore Functional Fitness Program FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my functional fitness programs.


Singapore Haze Contingency Measures

Overview of my haze contingency measures and protocols here in Singapore.


Singapore Heat Stress Management Strategies

Overview of my heat stress safety measures and protocols here in Singapore.


Singapore High-Intensity Interval Training Programs

Overview of my modified and adapted high-intensity interval training programs for the senior/older adult population here in Singapore.


Singapore Holistic Fitness Program

Description of what my holistic fitness training program is all about.


Singapore Home Fitness Program FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my home fitness programs.


Singapore Home Fitness Training Services

Description of my island-wide home fitness training services for the mid-life, senior and older adult populations.


Singapore Integrated Fitness Training Approach

Overview of my integrated fitness training program for the mature population.


Singapore IPPT/NAPFA Fitness Preparation Program FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my IPPT/NAPFA training programs.


Singapore IPPT/NAPFA Physical Fitness Preparation Program

An overview of my island-wide IPPT/NAPFA fitness training services.


Singapore Kettlebell Fitness Program

Description of my island-wide kettlebell fitness training services for the middle-aged and older adult population groups.


Singapore Kids/Youth Fitness FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my kids/youth fitness training programs.


Singapore Kids/Youth Fitness Program

An overview of what my kids/youth fitness training program is all about.


Singapore Master Fitness Trainer

Definition and description of what a Master Fitness Trainer is.


Singapore Medicine Ball Fitness Program

Description of my senior/older adult medicine ball fitness services.


Singapore Metabolic Training Approach

Overview of my metabolic training programs for the mid-life and older adult populations.


Singapore Mobile Fitness Program FAQs

Frequently-asked questions about my mobile fitness training programs.


Singapore Mobile Fitness Training Services

An overview of what my mobile fitness training program is all about.


Singapore Movement-Based Training Programs

An overview of what my movement training program is all about.


Singapore Multiplanar Training Program

An overview of my multiplanar training program for the mid-life and mature populations.


Singapore Lean Muscle-Building Program

Description of my lean muscle-building program for seniors and older adults.


Singapore NS Physical Fitness Preparation Training

An overview of what my NS physical fitness training program is all about.


Singapore Outdoor Fitness Program FAQs

Frequently-asked questions about my outdoor fitness training programs.


Singapore Outdoor Fitness Training Services

Description of my outdoor fitness programs for the middle-aged and older adult populations.


Singapore Park Fitness Programs

Overview of my senior/older adult park fitness programs.


Singapore Playground Fitness Workouts

Description of my senior/older adult playground fitness programs.


Singapore Power Training Programs

Overview of my power training program for older adults and seniors.


Singapore Public Stadium Workouts

An overview of what my public stadium workout program is all about.


Singapore Personal Training FAQs

Frequently-asked questions about my senior/older adult personal training programs here in Singapore.


Singapore Personal Training Industry

My background, contributions and involvement in the Singapore Personal Training Industry.


Singapore Personal Training Program Components

The various components that make up my personal training program here in Singapore.


Singapore Portable Fitness Equipment And Mobile Fitness Tools

The range of functional, portable and mobile equipment that I use in my Singapore-based fitness programs.


Singapore Posterior Chain Workouts

Overview of the posterior chain workout programs that i conduct for the mid-life and mature population groups.


Singapore Pre-NS Physical Fitness Training FAQs

Frequently-asked questions about my pre-ns fitness training programs here in Singapore.


Singapore Pre-Post Natal Fitness FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding my pre-post natal fitness programs.


Singapore Pre-Post Natal Fitness Programs

Description of how we conduct our island-wide pre-post natal fitness programs.


Singapore Private Fitness Boot Camps At Your Location

Overview of my private fitness boot camps specially-designed for mid-life and older adults.


Singapore Resistance Tubing And Exercise Band Fitness Program

Description of my island-wide resistance tubing and exercise band fitness programs.


Singapore Seniors/Older Adults FAQs

Frequently-asked questions regarding our seniors/older adults fitness programs.


Singapore Senior/Older Adults Fitness Programs

An overview of my senior/older adults fitness programs.


Singapore Slider/Glider Fitness Programs

Description of my senior/older adult fitness programs using glider discs and sliders.


Singapore Sports Performance Programs

Description of my island-wide sports performance programs for the mature population.


Singapore Stair Exercises And Stair Fitness Program

Description of my senior/older adult stair exercise and stair fitness programs.


Singapore Standard/General Fitness Trainers

Definition and description of a Standard/General Fitness Trainer.


Singapore Strength And Resistance Training Programs

Overview of my strength and conditioning programs conducted for the mid-life and older adult populations here in Singapore.


Singapore Suspension Trainer Exercises And Suspension Training Programs

Overview of my senior/older adult suspension training program here in Singapore.


Singapore Toning And Shaping Fitness Programs

Description of my island-wide toning and shaping programs for the older adult and elderly population.


Singapore Travel Fitness Programs And Workout Routines

Description of my travel fitness programs for the senior/older adult population.


Singapore Weight-Bearing Exercise Program

Overview of my weight-bearing exercise program for the mid-life and mature population groups in Singapore.


Terms & Conditions

List of terms and conditions governing the use of this fitness website.


Type Of Fitness Clients We Attract

Description of the type of clients and customers that I consistently attract.


Verify Our CPR + AED Practitioner Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my CPR and AED credentials.


Verify Our Cardio Kickboxing Instructor Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my cardio kickboxing instructor credentials.


Verify Our Fitness Instructor Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my fitness instructor credentials.


Verify Our Functional Training Specialist Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my functional training specialist credentials.


Verify Our Group Exercise/Aerobics Instructor Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my group exercise and aerobics instructor credentials.


Verify Our Kettlebell Instructor Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my kettlebell instructor credentials.


Verify Our Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my lifestyle and weight management specialist credentials.


Verify Our Medicine Ball Specialist Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my medicine ball specialist credentials.


Verify Our Olympic Lifts Instructor Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my Olympic Lifts instructor credentials.


Verify Our Outdoor Physical Education Specialist Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my physical education specialist credentials.


Verify Our Personal Trainer Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my certified personal trainer credentials.


Verify Our Pre-Post Natal Exercise Specialist Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my pre-post natal exercise specialist credentials.


Verify Our Resistance Band Instructor Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my resistance band instructor credentials.


Verify Our Senior/Older Adult Fitness Specialist Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my senior/older adult fitness specialist credentials.


Verify Our TriggerPointTM Total-Body Self-Myofascial Release Specialist Certification

Link to page to verify and validate my total-body self-myofascial release specialist credentials.




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Do connect with me on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Important Note

By accessing or using any of the services on this website, you have hereby agreed to be bound by

ALL Terms & Conditions listed here

 on this site.

COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A