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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups



Our Advanced Fitness Specializations







Mirroring the fitness industry's shift towards specialization and niche expertise, we are proud to announce that we are one of the very FIRST fitness providers here in Singapore to advocate and to hold multiple advanced/specialized fitness credentials.


These credentials have not only set us apart from the typical, everyday Fitness Generalist, but more importantly, have enabled us to reach out and better serve specific population groups among our clientele, as well as those who come to us with special fitness/medical needs.


Our expertise in these specialized fitness disciplines have also strongly cemented our status as one of the few recognized niche-specific Fitness Experts and Exercise Specialists here within the Singapore fitness industry.


The following are just some of the key areas where we have advanced/specialized expertise and knowledge in:



A) Pre-Post Natal Fitness Specialization


Our advanced qualification in this area equips us with the necessary skills and specialized knowledge to design and conduct effective and safe exercise programs for both prenatal and postnatal clients.


Check out our Pre-Post Natal Fitness Programs now.




B) Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialization


With this advanced certification, we hold the keys to helping those who need to manage and control their weight, as well as helping them to revamp, enhance and optimize their current lifestyles.


Check out our Lifestyle and Weight Management Programs now.




C) Cardio Kickboxing Specialization


This specialized certification equipped us with the competencies to design and conduct safe and effective kickboxing lessons, with an emphasis on using the various strikes, punches and kicks to develop overall fitness and cardiovascular efficiency in our clients.


Check out our Cardio Kickboxing Programs now.





D) Kettlebell Specialization


Our kettlebell specialist certification enables us to prescribe safe, effective and progressive kettlebell drills to our clients as part of their overall fitness and conditioning program.


Check out our Kettlebell Programs now.





E) Olympic Lift Specialization


This specialist certification equips us to coach clients on how to perform the various Olympic lifts - such as Snatches, Cleans and Jerks; and how to integrate them - safely, efficiently, and effectively - into one's fitness program.


Check out our Olympic Lifts Programs now.





F) Resistance Band Specialization


This advanced certification provides us with the know-how and expertise on integrating resistance band/tubing exercises into our clients' workouts so as to help them achieve their fitness goals. 


Check out our Resistance Bands/Tubings Programs now.





G) Medicine Ball Specialization


This specialized certification equips us to use the medicine ball as a training tool in our clients' workouts, and provides us with the requisite knowledge to incorporate the various medicine ball drills and exercises into our clients' fitness programs.


Check out our Medicine Ball Programs now.





H) Functional Training Specialization


This advanced specialist certification allows us to prescribe safe and effective functional training drills, movement patterns and exercises to help our clients achieve all-round functional health and fitness.


Check out our Functional Training Programs now.





Read more About Us.


Check out our Fitness Philosophy & Approach


Verify And Validate Our Fitness Credentials



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Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A