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Specialized Home & Outdoor Fitness Services


 For Seniors, Older Adults And Those With Chronic Medical Conditions




Importance Of Trainer Validation And Verification




Picture depicting verified fitness credentials and qualifications.




In our society today, and especially on social media, practically ANYONE can pass himself or herself off as a 'professional trainer', an 'exercise expert', or a 'health guru'.


On top of that, most consumers also DO NOT take it upon themselves to check, verify or validate a trainer's professional background, fitness credentials, qualifications or experience before engaging them.


As a result, the fitness industry is now facing a situation where all kinds of individuals - many with dubious and bogus backgrounds and credentials - are hopping onto the fitness bandwagon to make a quick buck.


Many are part-timers, moonlighters and fly-by-night operators who may NOT have a genuine and sincere interest in and for the fitness industry and the fitness public.


In order to safeguard consumers from being taken advantage of, and also as a means to ensure quality assurance, trainer competency and ethical practice, I strongly feel the need for a system of checks, verification and validation within the fitness industry.


As such, to ensure that YOU - the Fitness Consumer - is truly dealing with a business that you can trust, and getting what you pay for - I'm putting myself at the forefront of public view, leading by example, and actively inviting YOU - the Fitness Public - to scrutinize, validate and verify my credentials.


By being the FIRST and ONLY Singapore fitness provider here who offers Proof Of Certification & Validation of my various fitness credentials and qualifications, I hope to give you the confidence, assurance and security that you are dealing with a bona fide fitness business and an actual fitness professional.


Please feel free to click on the following links now to check, verify and validate my various fitness credentials and qualifications that I have attained over the years:


Verify My Personal Trainer Certification


Verify My Senior Fitness Specialist Certification


Verify My Functional Training Specialist Certification


Verify My Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification


Verify My Fitness Instructor Certification


Verify My Group Exercise/Aerobics Instructor Certification


Verify My Cardio Kickboxing Instructor Certification


Verify My Kettlebell Instructor Certification


Verify My Olympic Lifts Instructor Certification


Verify My Resistance Band Instructor Certification


Verify My Medicine Ball Specialist Certification


Verify My Pre-Post Natal Exercise Specialist Certification


Verify My Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist Certification


Verify My TriggerPointTM Total-Body Self-Myofascial Release Specialist (TriggerPointTM / IDEA)


Verify My Outdoor Physical Education Specialist Certification


Verify My CPR + AED Practitioner Certification



Button Link to Fitness Sign-Up Form



Do connect with me on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A