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 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Validation And Verification Of CPR/AED Certification (Singapore)




Image of Rick Wong's CPR /AED Certificate - Front View.


Image Of Rick Wong's CPR/AED Certificate - Back View.



The above is the latest screenshot of our Master Trainer - Rick Wong's CPR/AED (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation / Automated External Defibrillator) certificate awarded by the Singapore Heart Foundation.


It is currently VALID till 30 April 2026 for its current cycle.


CPR/AED re-training and re-certification is periodically repeated every 2 years to ensure the holder's life-saving skills remain fresh, relevant and updated.


The CPR/AED certification is required as a MANDATORY certification for all Health/Fitness Professionals in the fitness industry as it demonstrates the fitness professional's on-going commitment and responsibility to the overall well-being and safety of his/her clients.


The above CPR/AED certification is recognized and accredited by the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council - which serves as the governing body in Singapore for ensuring standardization and professional practices in the teaching and dissemination of resuscitation skills.


Being CPR/AED certified ensures that your trainer is equipped with the necessary life-saving skills and confidence to handle cardiac emergencies - as and when they arise.


Check out the Singapore Heart Foundation.


Read more about the Singapore Resuscitation and First Aid Council.


Read more on the Importance Of Trainer Verification And Validation.



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Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

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.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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