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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore Master Fitness Trainer - Rick Wong





Photo of T-shirt bearing the Master Fitness Trainer tag.



By definition, a Master Trainer is one who has achieved the highest possible level of attainment in the fitness industry.


With this accomplishment, the Master Fitness Trainer has practically set himself/herself apart from all the other trainers by means of his/her exceptional level of educational development, professional expertise, distinguished standing and unsurpassed commitment to the fitness industry and to his/her clients.


In order to qualify as a Master Trainer, a fitness professional has to meet a series of stringent pre-requisites. These are usually as follow:

  • at least 10 000 contact hours clocked in practical coaching sessions,

  • a minimum of 10 years experience in the fitness industry,

  • attainment of at least 5 or more advanced specialty credentials,

  • in a position of authority and influence (eg. as a mentor, consultant, educator etc) in the fitness industry

  • possess an excellent and exceptional track record

Having attained, and surpassed most of the above stated conditions, our Founder, Head Coach and Master Trainer - Rick Wong - is proud to be listed as one of the few recognized Master Fitness Trainers in Singapore and across the region.

In line with the title, and the distinguished status that accompanies it, Rick is now - more than ever before - committed to uphold and maintain the high standards of professional, moral and ethical conduct that is expected of him, and that has since become his very own trademark.  

And in line with his personal philosophy of Lifelong Learning, Rick has been relentless in his pursuit of fitness knowledge, coaching skills and continuing fitness education in order to live up to his standing and billing as one of the region's top fitness professionals.

Read up on Rick Wong's Profile.

Proceed to verify and validate Rick Wong's fitness credentials.

Check out the Rates/Charges for our Master Trainer.

Or compare the differences between a Master Trainer and a Standard/General Fitness Trainer.


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Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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