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 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Verification Of Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification



Image of Rick Wong's fitness nutrition coach certificate.



The above is the latest screenshot of our Master Trainer - Rick Wong's Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification attained in year 2024.


This is an Advanced Specialty Certification and has NO expiry date. It certifies the holder as a specialist in fitness nutrition, equipped with the necessary proficiency to provide nutritional guidance and coaching to help individuals attain fitness success through healthy eating.


The Fitness Nutrition Coach Certification is accredited by the National Federation Of Professional Trainers, and holder of this certification is deemed having the proficiency and knowledge in nutrition physiology, food biochemistry, and the various energy pathways within the Human Body.


The Fitness Nutrition Coach is thus certified to help clients explore the limitations and weaknesses in their current diet, make proper nutrition modifications and choices, and ultimately, to attain the desired results that they seek in their overall health and well-being.


Read up more on the Importance Of Trainer Verification And Validation.



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Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

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