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 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Verification Of TriggerPointTM Self-Myofascial Release Certification



Image of Rick Wong's TriggerPoint Total-Body Self-Myofascial Release Certificate



The above is the latest screenshot of our Master Trainer - Rick Wong's TriggerPointTM Self-Myofascial Release Certification attained in year 2020.


This is an Advanced Specialty Certification and has NO expiry date. It certifies the holder as a specialist provider of self-myofascial release techniques and methods.


The TriggerPointTM Self-Myofascial Release Certification is accredited by TriggerPointTM International and IDEA Health & Fitness Association and signifies the holder's proficiency and expertise in using foam-rolling and other self-myofascial techniques to help clients enhance their fitness performance, boost their recovery time, and reduce their risk of injuries. 


Read up more on the Importance Of Trainer Verification And Validation.



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