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Specialized Home & Outdoor Fitness Services


 For Seniors, Older Adults And Those With Chronic Medical Conditions




My Fitness Philosophy - A Real-World Approach



Image of two senior men exercising in the real world context.



At Body-By-Rick, I firmly believe in basing my fitness philosophy and training approach on solid evidence and research from the established fields of exercise science and human performance; as well as applications from biomechanics, exercise physiology, kinesiology, fitness nutrition and sports psychology.


I believe that all fitness training must have a real-world feel to it, and therefore should be natural, holistic and functional in nature.


I also believe that exercise is only ONE part of the fitness equation, and that equal emphasis has to be placed on one's nutrition, sleep, rest/recovery, lifestyle factors as well as one's mindset for optimal results.


I believe that every fitness program should engage the Human Body multi-dimensionally via a wide range of exercises that work the body through multiple planes and all angles for complete, balanced development.


I strongly believe that one will get far better results training in one's natural, surrounding environment (as opposed to the confines and constraints of any gym), using one's own body-weight and a range of mobile functional tools (instead of relying on artificial, fixed-plane machines/equipment).


I deeply feel that all fitness programs should focus on functional fitness and movement training as opposed to isolated, body-part-by-body-part exercises that are merely cosmetic in nature.


With my gym-free fitness approach, not only am I committed to helping you learn how to un-shackle yourself from all the hype, lies and mis-information about fitness in our culture, but also discover for yourself, that ultimately:


You and YOU alone - is the only ''gym" you'll ever need


- whether you goal is to get stronger, move better, be more independent, or simply to feel more alive!


Through an eclectic and innovative approach to fitness programming, you'll experience for yourself the near UNLIMITED choice and mix of exercises, movements and physical activities in your fitness program. In fact, I can assure you that almost NO two workouts are ever exactly the same!


And best of all, with my sincere belief that fitness training can and should be carried out - anywhere, anytime - I'll help you - once and for all - to eliminate ALL excuses (e.g. no time, no equipment, no space etc ) for not working-out - ever again! 


Life is meant to be savoured and enjoyed. So take the FIRST step today, and let us together work hand-in-hand toward achieving BETTER health, IMPROVED wellness, and GREATER independence for you!



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Do connect with me on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A