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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore Outdoor Fitness Training Program FAQs



Below are some of the most frequently-asked questions regarding our Outdoor Fitness Services here in Singapore:


1. What Is An Outdoor Fitness Program?


2. What Are The Pros Of An Outdoor Fitness Program?


3. What Can I Expect To Receive When I Sign-Up For An Outdoor Fitness Training Program?


4. Where Can My Outdoor Fitness Training Be Conducted?


5. Do I Require Access To Any Fitness Equipment For My Outdoor Fitness Program?


6. What Is The Cost Of Your Outdoor Fitness Program?


7. What Are Your Available Slots For Booking?


8. How Do I Make Payment?


9. How Do I Sign-Up?



1. What Is An Outdoor Fitness Program?


An outdoor fitness program is one that is conducted in the Great Outdoors here in tropical Singapore - where sessions are held anywhere from public parks to roof-top gardens, from open-air stadiums to scenic beaches, from open fields to outdoor fitness corners. As long as it is outdoors, and it involves our fitness instruction, that's an outdoor fitness program!




2. What Are The Pros Of An Outdoor Fitness Program?


An outdoor fitness program gives you an unbelievably refreshing fitness experience that no indoor gym can ever duplicate.


From the fresh air to the bright sunlight to the wide array of sensory experiences and the unique exercises and training modalities peculiar to an outdoor fitness approach, this program is guaranteed to awaken your senses and deliver an unforgettable fitness experience of a lifetime.




3. What Can I Expect To Receive When I Sign-Up For An Outdoor Fitness Training Program?


As in all other fitness programs, signing-up for our outdoor fitness program will require you to undergo a face-to-face consultation-cum-assessment session with your outdoor fitness specialist. This is to make sure that all areas of your medical, fitness and health statuses are carefully evaluated and assessed.


During this session, there will be questionnaires and physical assessments to assess your medical history, to measure and track your heart rate, blood pressure, body fat percentage, girth circumference and a host of other vital statistics.


The data collected will then be used to design a personalized and customized outdoor fitness program for you.


For more detailed information, please refer to our detailed description of Personal Training Package components.




4. Where Can My Outdoor Fitness Training Be Conducted?


Basically ANYWHERE outdoors - can be used to conduct your outdoor fitness training. From public parks to nature reserves to open fields to reservoir parks to beaches to outdoor playgrounds to open-air fitness corners, all these can and have been used in our outdoor fitness training programs.




5. Do I Require Access To Any Fitness Equipment For My Outdoor Fitness Program?


Nope. None at all. The beauty of an outdoor fitness program is that it is so versatile that anything from your body weight to your surrounding environment (steps, slopes, benches etc) to Nature's provision (trees, branches etc) and of course, to our range of portable fitness tools can be used to get you into shape!


6. What Is The Cost Of Your Outdoor Fitness Program?


The cost of our Outdoor Fitness Services is a reflection of our outstanding expertise and unparalleled knowledge in the area of outdoor training. For more detailed information, please check out our Fitness Rates & Pricing.




7. What Are Your Available Slots For Booking?


Our outdoor fitness training services are open for booking at flexible and negotiable days and timings.


However, all sessions are strictly by appointment ONLY .


Our first fitness appointment of the day may start as early as 7am and our last appointment of the day may end no later than 9pm.


All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve basis and are subject to availability.




8. How Do I Make Payment?


Payment can be made either by CASH, by CHEQUE or by BANK TRANSFER. Please go to our payment methods and options page for more details.




9. How Do I Sign-Up?


Just go to our Sign-Up Page or click on the button below!



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form



Do connect with us on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Business Reg. No. 53073056A