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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore Fitness Tests And Assessments



Image of a fitness assessment in progress.



Fitness tests and assessments are crucial and useful tools that are widely-used for:

  • assessing one's current fitness levels,

  • identifying one's areas of strengths and weaknesses,

  • establishing one's specific training needs, and

  • measuring one's fitness progress.

Now, YOU too - can tap on all the above benefits and advantages of fitness testing and assessing - right here in Singapore, at YOUR location - with our customized range of fitness-related tests and assessments!




Whom This Service Is For


For ANYONE who wants to find out his/her current level of fitness, track whether his/her fitness program is working, or to determine the direction or focus of his/her next phase of training.




Our Approach


At your preferred location here in Singapore, and taking into account your personal needs and goals, we'll help you determine the exact type of fitness tests/assessments that you should take.




Our Program Components


We conduct a comprehensive range of on-site fitness assessments and tests throughout Singapore.


Some of these include:


Body Composition Tests (Body Mass Index, Skinfold Measurements, Girth Measurements, Waist-To-Hip Ratio, Bioelectrical Impedance etc)


- Cardiovascular Endurance Tests (Rockport Walk Test, Cooper Run Test, 2.4 KM Run Test, Forestry/Kasch Step Tests etc)


Muscular Strength/Endurance Tests (NAPFA/IPPT Pull-Ups Test, NAPFA/IPPT Push-Up Test, NAPFA/IPPT Sit-Up Tests, Abdominal Curl-Up Test, Wall Sit Test etc)


- Speed/Power Tests (Sprint Test, Vertical Jump Test, NAPFA/IPPT Standing Broad Jump Test etc)


- Flexibility Tests ( Sit-And-Reach Test, Back Scratch Test etc)


- Agility Tests (Shuttle Run Test, T-Run Test etc)


- Balance Tests (Stork Stand Test etc)




Our Rates


Click on our Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.




Our Training Times


We provide fitness testing throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable days and timings - but all strictly by appointment ONLY .


Our first fitness appointment of the day may start as early as 7am and our last appointment of the day may end no later than 9pm.


All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve basis and are subject to availability.




Our Credentials


We are one of the rare few fitness providers in Singapore with a recognized and bona-fide Master Trainer on our books.


On top of that, we are the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers proof, verification and validation of our fitness credentials.


Check out for yourself who we are and our range of fitness qualifications and experience.




Other Concerns


If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding our fitness assessment services, please feel free to check through our General FAQs Page or even contact us directly.



Alternatively, please also check out our other personal training options available here in Singapore.




Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form



Do connect with us on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Important Note

By accessing or using any of the services on this website, you have hereby agreed to be bound by

ALL Terms & Conditions listed here

 on this site.

COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A