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Specialized Home & Outdoor Fitness Services


 For Seniors, Older Adults And Those With Chronic Medical Conditions




Senior/Older Adult Couple And Partner Fitness Workouts



Image of an elderly couple doing stretches together.




What Is A Couple/Partner Fitness Program


As the name implies, a couple/partner fitness program is one where you work-out concurrently with your spouse, partner, buddy or significant other under the supervision and guidance of a certified senior/older adult fitness specialist right here in Singapore! 




Why Should I Consider Enrolling Myself And My Partner In A Couple/Partner Fitness Program


As the saying goes, "A couple that trains together, stays together", a partner fitness program paves the way for shared experiences and goals, and creates a unique synergy that arises only when couples or partners engage in fitness training collectively.


Other reasons why a large proportion of seniors and mature adults prefer to workout together rather than alone include:

  • spending quality time together,

  • providing support and motivation to each other.

  • opportunity to forge deeper emotional bonds,

  • enhance and strengthen existing relationship, and

  • as a means of accountability to each other.

Additionally, having a professional and specialized senior/older adult fitness specialist overseeing your fitness program as a mature couple would also ensure:



Whom This Program Is For


For all seniors and older adults who wish to improve their health, fitness and overall well-being  while working-out, bonding and spending quality time with his/her partner or significant other.


Couple/partner fitness workouts are especially great for those who want to work towards a common fitness goal with his/her partner or spouse, while giving - and at the same time -receiving love, support, motivation and encouragement from each other.




My Fitness Approach


After having discussed and aligned both yours and your partner's/buddy's fitness goals, I will design a customized fitness program just for the two of you.


Using your home, outdoors or surrounding environment, I will guide you and your partner to work toward your common fitness goals using body-weight exercises, partner workout drills, couple-centric exercises and a full range of movements utilizing portable functional fitness tools.




My Rates


Please click on my Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.





My Training Times


My couple/partner fitness training program is  available throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable days and timings - but all strictly by appointment ONLY .


I accept fitness appointments as early as 7am and no later by 8pm.


Currently, I work only from Mondays to Fridays.


All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve basis and are subject to availability.





My Credentials


Currently, I am one of the few fitness providers in Singapore who is both a Master Trainer and Senior Exercise Consultant.


On top of that, I'm the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers proof, verification and validation of my fitness credentials and qualifications.


Please feel free to check out for yourself my Personal Bio and my range of fitness qualifications and experience.




Other Concerns


If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding my couple/partner fitness training services, please do check up the Couple/Partner/Buddy Fitness Program FAQs Page to see if your query has already been addressed.


If you cannot find what you want, please feel free to check the General FAQs Page or even contact me directly.




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Do connect with me on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Important Note

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 on this site.

COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A