What Is A Lean-Muscle Building Program
As we age, we tend to lose lean muscle mass - a
condition known as sarcopenia. Together with it, comes a decline
in strength, mobility and performance in day-to-day activities.
A lean-muscle building program can help to
offset this by focusing on building and maintaining lean muscle mass
resistance/strength training strategies
specially-adapted and
modified for the mid-life and older adult population.
Why Do We Need To Build Lean Muscle
Building lean muscle mass is not just for the young
or athletic; it’s a vital component of healthy aging.
For the mature adult, the benefits of having greater
lean body mass translate to:
Whom This Program Is For
For all mid-life adults and seniors who wish to
experience the transformative benefits of having more lean muscle mass,
and who yearn to lead more vibrant, independent, and fulfilling lives.
Our Fitness Approach
At your own PRIVATE location, we will show you how to make use of
surroundings, your own
body-weight and
our range of
portable fitness tools to spur lean muscle growth in your body!
Our Program Components
Our lean-muscle workout program can be conducted as a
Personal Training Program or as a Partner/Buddy Fitness Program
or even as a Group Fitness Training Option.
For those who sign-up for the customized personal training program, you will
be entitled to all the following components
as listed in our Personal Training Program
Features Page.
For the couple/buddy workout option,
please go to our
Couple/Partner Fitness Program section for more information.
For the group training option, please
visit our
Customized Group Fitness Training section for more details.
Our Rates
Click on our Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.
Our Training Times
We provide our lean-muscle-building services throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable
days and timings
- but strictly by appointment ONLY .
Our first fitness appointment of the day
may start as early as 7am and our last appointment of the
day may end no later than 9pm.
All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve
and are subject to availability.
Our Credentials
We are one of the rare few fitness
providers in Singapore with a recognized and bona-fide
Master Trainer
on our books.
On top of that, we are the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers proof,
verification and validation of our fitness credentials.
Check out for yourself
who we are
and our
range of fitness qualifications and experience.
Other Concerns
If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding our
muscle-building services, please do check up our
fitness services FAQs
page first to see if your query has already been addressed, and if not,
please don't hesitate then to
contact us
Alternatively, feel free to also check out our
other personal
training options available here in Singapore.
* With effect from 2020, our lean
muscle-building training
program is available ONLINE!
For more information, please click on the
Online Training
Program link to find out more!

Do connect with us on
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Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!