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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Seniors' Fitness Boot Camps And Older Adults Group Workouts



Image of a group of older men partaking in a group fitness class.




Stay FIT in your golden years with our boot camp training - customized specially for seniors and older adults - right at your location - throughout Singapore! 




How It Works


Form your own little group (minimum of 3 participants), choose your own preferred location, determine your specific fitness goals, confirm your training schedule* and we're good to go!


* We provide customized fitness boot camp workouts throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable days and timings. Our first fitness appointment of the day may start as early as 7am and our last appointment of the day may end no later than 9pm. All bookings are on a first-come-first-serve, by-appointment-only basis, and are subject to availability.




What Can I Expect


Based on your group's fitness needs and goals, we will customize a specially-designed elder fitness boot camp just for you.


Depending on the fitness outcome you are seeking, your private boot camp may include some or all of the following:

  • strength training

  • cardiovascular work

  • mobility drills

  • partner resistance exercises

  • stretching / flexibility exercises

  • circuit training

  • agility activities

  • fitness games

  • and other fun, senior-centric activities!



How Much It Costs


Click on our Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.




Other Boot Camp Information



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form



Do connect with us on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!



Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Important Note

By accessing or using any of the services on this website, you have hereby agreed to be bound by

ALL Terms & Conditions listed here

 on this site.

COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A