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Specialized Home & Outdoor Fitness Services


 For Seniors, Older Adults And Those With Chronic Medical Conditions




Online Training And Virtual Workout Programs



A senior couple undergoing online fitness training at home.




What Is Online Training Or A Virtual Workout Program?


An Online Training or Virtual Workout Program is one that harnesses modern-day technology to deliver a personalized training or tailored workout program to you WITHOUT the need of having a real, in-person coach next to you.


This in turn eliminates many of the limitations and expenses involved in hiring an actual trainer to be physically beside you.




How Does Online Or Virtual Training Work?


Online Training is actually a broad term that encompasses numerous forms and definitions.


The 2 most popular and common forms are:

Each has its own merits and appeal to different people with differing preferences and needs.


For more information on the features, functions and benefits of the different kinds of online training and virtual workouts, please click on the relevant hyperlinks above.




What Are The Main Benefits Of Online Training Or Virtual Workouts?


There are many benefits to training online. These include:


- NO geographical boundaries in the way. You and your trainer can be literally hundreds of miles apart and yet still in touch with each other!


- You can choose to workout at your OWN schedule and at your OWN convenience.


- More economical option to hiring a private, top-notch coach or trainer!


For the specific benefits of each kind of Online Virtual Training Programs, please check out either:

  1. PDF Personal Training Programs, or

  2. Video-Streamed Live Personal Training



What Are The Drawbacks Of Online Training And Virtual Workouts?


Like all types of fitness programs, online training and virtual workouts do have their share of disadvantages too. Some of these include:


- LACK of any form of manual spotting, physical adjustments, or bodily manipulations in your fitness program. I will NOT be able to physically correct or rectify your form if you make any mistakes in your exercise execution or technique.


- INABILITY on my part to provide any immediate feedback or on-the-spot modifications to your workout. I will also NOT be able to discern subtle changes to your physiology and vital signs (e.g. breathing patterns, skin coloration, etc), and hence, may NOT be able to advise and make recommendations accordingly.


- NOT suitable for you if you need constant hand-holding and step-by-step guidance in your fitness workouts.


- NOT for you if you prefer deep, meaningful human-to-human interactions.


- Will NOT work for you if you have very little self-discipline and self-motivation.




If you find online or virtual training unsuitable, you may wish to consider In-Personal Coaching instead.




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Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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