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Specialized Home & Outdoor Fitness Services


 For Seniors, Older Adults And Those With Chronic Medical Conditions




LIVE Video-Streaming Fitness Program

For The Mid-Life And Older Adult Population



Image of a mid-life woman in the midst of live, virtual personal training.



What Is Live Video-Streaming Personal Training All About?


A Live Video-Streaming Personal Training Program is one that harnesses video technology to bring personal training "live" to you at your very location!


With this mode, you'll be able to experience "LIVE" one-on-one virtual interactive training with your trainer, regardless where you or your trainer are based!




How Does A Live Video-Streaming Fitness Program Work?


Your Live Video-Streaming Fitness Program is conducted as follow:


- An initial Virtual Online Consultation will be done to collect relevant data from you, such as your medical history, current fitness status, lifestyle features, dietary habits and vital statistics like body weight, blood pressure measurements etc.


- Your exercise environment, equipment availability, preferred video chat platform and even Wifi connection will also be assessed during the consultation to determine the best approach for your virtual fitness program.


- A "Meet-Up" Schedule will then be firmed up between you and your trainer. This will serve as the appointment window and calendar for you and your trainer to go "live" with each other at the designated day/date/time.


- Using the data collected earlier, a Customized Fitness Program will then be drawn out for you in accordance to your fitness needs, exercise goals and home environment.


- BEFORE each and every workout session, a Session Workout Log will also be emailed to you to provide you with an outline of that particular exercise session, a general idea of what to expect, and also what to prepare for the actual workout session.


- During the "live" video segment, you will be connected to your trainer via the Video Chat App or Platform that both of you have mutually-agreed upon. This app or platform could be any of the following: Skype, Zoom, Google Hangouts, Google Duo, WhatsApp etc - depending on both your comfort levels.


- Upon successful connection, you will see a live-stream of your trainer on your screen, and he will see a live-stream of you on his screen!


- Throughout the live-streaming video call, your trainer will be demonstrating exercises to you, motivating you, giving you appropriate feedback on your exercise form and technique, and also monitoring your progress.


- Personalized advice and recommendations pertaining to your diet, lifestyle, sleep patterns, rest/recuperation etc will also be provided to you as and when needed.


- You will also have Online Access to your trainer, 24/7, via Email, SMS and WhatsApp.




What Are The Benefits Of A Live Video-Streamed Workout Program?


- Flexibility and Convenience to do your workouts anywhere you like!


- "LIVE" one-on-one interaction with a real person!


- "Real-Time" feedback and analysis on your exercise form and technique!


- Accountability on you to do your part!


- Cost-effective alternative to having a face-to-face, in-person workout with a Professional Trainer!


- Direct access to a Fitness Expert regardless where you or your trainer are located!




Program Components


The senior and older adults Live Video-Streaming Fitness Training Program is currently conducted only as a One-On-One Personal Training Program.




My Rates


Click on Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.




My Credentials


I am a Master Trainer with over 20 years of coaching experience, holder of numerous fitness qualifications and credentials.


I am also the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers proof, verification and validation of my fitness credentials.


Please feel free to check out more about myself and my various fitness credentials.




Other Concerns


If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding the Live Video-Streaming Fitness Program, please feel free to contact me directly.


Alternatively, please feel free to also check out my other personal training options available here in Singapore.




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Do connect with me on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A