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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore Fitness Guarantee



Money-Back Guarantee Logo for Singapore Fitness Services.

Money-Back Guarantee!


Results Guaranteed Logo for Singapore Fitness Services.

Results Guaranteed!


Satisfaction Guaranteed Logo for Singapore Fitness Services.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!


Welcome to the Singapore Fitness Industry's only TRIPLE Guarantee Program!


If you follow our program closely, you are GUARANTEED to get results.


In fact, we are so confident of our ability to help you achieve your fitness goals, that we hereby offer you a 100% Money-Back Guarantee!


Our challenge to you is this: if you complete ALL of the sections of our specific fitness program and are still not satisfied with the results, meaning that there are absolutely NO signs of any progress at all, we will gladly refund you ALL of your investment for that program.


In order to receive your refund, you will have to:

  • FULLY participate in the entire program,

  • attend ALL your scheduled training sessions,

  • complete ALL the planned activities,

  • submit ALL the required progress reports,

  • show ADHERENCE to ALL our recommendations, advice and suggestions, and

  • perform ALL of your home fitness assignments throughout the duration of your program.

If you have satisfied ALL of the above criteria and conditions, and still have not seen a boost in your fitness, health, well-being or general aesthetics, we will happily refund you the FULL SUM of your investment.


It's the least we can do to thank you for placing your trust in our programs.


Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form




Continue to compare our fitness services with other providers in Singapore.


Do connect with us on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Important Note

By accessing or using any of the services on this website, you have hereby agreed to be bound by

ALL Terms & Conditions listed here

 on this site.

COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A