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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore Heat Stress Safety Measures And Protocols


Image of rising heat's effect on exercise and training sessions.


In recent weeks, Singapore has been experiencing rising temperatures and hotter days throughout all corners of its island.


And according to many experts, this heat wave phenomenon is likely to get WORSE over the coming months and years. (do view links below):


* Channel News Asia, 5 January 2024 – “Feeling hot, more often? More days of extreme heat predicted in National Climate Change Study"


* The Straits Times, 23 March 2024 - "S’pore may be hotter in 2024 than 2023 due to lingering effects of El Nino: MSS report"


* National Environment Agency (NEA), 5 January 2024 - "Latest Climate Projections For Singapore Show Intensifying Urban Heat And More Wet & Dry Extremes"


As the temperatures rise, so does the risk of heat-related illnesses, especially for seniors and older adults who form the bulk of my clientele.


According to medical science, aging bodies may have a harder time adjusting to heat and may be more susceptible to heat stress. Therefore, it's crucial to take proactive steps to prevent heat-related health problems from occurring during our Senior/Older Adult Fitness Programs.


To safeguard my mature and senior clientele from heat-related injuries, the following safety protocols and measures - in accordance with Singapore's Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment (MSE) and the National Environment Agency (NEA) official advisories - will be implemented with immediate effect.


These measures will apply across ALL our fitness services, including, but not limited to:


·         One-On-One Personal Training

·         Couple/Buddy Exercise Sessions

·         Small Group Workouts




1. In The Event Of LOW Heat Stress Risk {WBGT< 31°C}

Trainings and workout sessions will continue as PER NORMAL. Clients will be encouraged to hydrate normally and to wear appropriate exercise attire.




2. In The Event Of MODERATE Heat Stress Risk {31 ≤WBGT< 33°C}

Training that is currently conducted as Outdoor Exercise Sessions may be moved INDOORS or under the shade.


Clients will also be encouraged to take MORE water breaks and to continue wearing appropriate training gear.


Training intensities and volume will also be adjusted - if and when needed - especially for clients who are doing High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), Metabolic Training and/or Plyometric Training.




3. In The Event Of HIGH Heat Stress Risk {WBGT≥33°C}

All training sessions will be moved INDOORS or under the shade.

Clients will be given more frequent and/or longer rest and water breaks.


Training attire must all be light and loose-fitting.


Exercise intensities and volume will also be modified and adjusted accordingly.


Regardless of workout modalities - and even for Indoor Training Sessions - clients will be asked to look out for and report any signs or symptoms of heat stress.



4. Other Relevant Details


I'll be using Singapore's National Environment Agency site's official data as the basis for all readings of WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature).


Each client’s exact training location and/or specific locality will also be taken into account during the interpretation of the above readings and when deciding what measures and precautions to be taken.


Depending on how the heat situation evolves and whether any further official advisories are released, I may review the above measures and protocols from time to time, and additional courses of action may be implemented if necessary.




For any questions or concerns regarding the above, please do not hesitate to CONTACT ME.


Thank You for all your kind understanding and patience.



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Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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