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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




List Of Singapore Fitness Services



The following is our range of fitness services that are available island-wide to all consumers in Singapore.


Please browse through the list and choose the service that most corresponds to your fitness goals and needs.



Home Personal Training


Image of an in-home personal training session in progress.


Getting fit - right in the comfort, convenience and privacy of your home is now a reality with our in-home personal training services.


Check out our

Home Personal Training Services



Outdoor Fitness Training


Image of participants engaging in an outdoor fitness training session.


Getting in shape while working-out in the Great Outdoors can be the most exhilarating fitness experience you ever have.


Check out our

Outdoor Fitness Training Services



Mobile Fitness Training


Image of a client engaging in mobile fitness training.


Turn your room, office or any available space into your personal workout corner with our mobile fitness training services.


Check out our

Mobile Fitness Training Services



Group Fitness Boot Camps


Image of a group fitness boot camp training session in progress.


Enjoy group camaraderie and peer support as you work-out a sweat with our group fitness or boot camp training programs.


Check out our

Group Fitness Boot Camp Programs




Couple/Partner Fitness Programs


Photo of a couple engaged in partner fitness training.


Work towards your fitness goals - hand-in-hand - with your buddy, partner or spouse with our customized couple/partner fitness programs.


Check out our

Couple/Partner Fitness Programs




Pre-NS Physical Fitness Program


Picture of army recruits performing physical fitness training.


Breeze through all your military physical fitness training and tests with our customized pre-ns physical fitness preparation course. 


Check out our

NS Physical Fitness Programs





Pre-Post Natal Fitness Programs


Image of a female client engaged in pre-post natal fitness training.


Feel great and look great both during and after your pregnancy period with our house-call pre-post natal fitness programs.


Check out our

Pre-Post Natal Fitness Programs




Kids/Youth Fitness Programs


Photo of two kids doing a fitness workout.


Help your kids or teenager develop a lifelong interest and involvement in health and fitness with our customized kids/youth fitness programs.


Check out our

Kids/Youth Fitness Programs




Seniors/Older Adults Fitness


Photo of a male older adult engaged in senior fitness training.


Add years to your life and quality to your daily living with our specially-designed senior/older adult fitness programs. 


Check out our

Senior/Older Adult Fitness Programs





Fat Loss Programs


Image of a couple on a fat loss program.


Burn fat, lose weight and attain a slim and trim body - the natural way - with our on-site customized fat loss programs.


Check out our

Fat/Weight Loss Programs




Muscle-Building Programs


Image of a client performing a muscle-building workout routine.


Build an athletic, lean and muscular physique with our "no-gym-required" muscle-building and body-building programs.


Check out our

Muscle-Building Programs




Toning And Shaping Programs


Image of a lady client performing a toning and shaping routine.


Attain a lean, toned and shapely figure  with our "gym-less" body toning and figure-shaping programs right at your desired location.


Check out our

Body Toning And Shaping Programs





Functional Fitness Programs


Image of a female client performing a functional movement.


Build transferable, applicable and real-world fitness that duplicates real-life situations and challenges with our functional fitness programs.


Check out our

Functional Fitness Programs



Sports Performance Programs


Image of a male athlete performing a sports performance workout.


Optimize your sporting potential, enhance your sport performance and develop sport-specific skills with our sports performance programs.


Check out our

Sports Performance Programs





Integrated Fitness Programs


Image of a trainer performing integrated fitness workouts.


Train your body, as Nature intends us to - as a Single, Integrated Unit - while building all-round, balanced fitness with our integrated fitness programs.


Check out our

Integrated Fitness Programs





Metabolic Training Programs


Image of a lady participating in a metabolic training program.


Fire up your metabolism and boost your body's calorie-burning effect with our metabolic training program here in Singapore.


Check out our

Metabolic Training Programs





Stair-Based Fitness Programs


Picture of stair training in progress.


Learn how to use the stairs as an effective training tool in your fitness workouts with our stair-based fitness program across Singapore.


Check out our

Stair-Based Fitness Programs





Body-Weight Fitness Programs


Image of female client undergoing body weight training.


Use your body weight in conjunction with gravity as an effective fitness tool with our body-weight fitness programs available across Singapore.


Check out our

Body Weight Fitness Programs




Travel Fitness Programs


Image of a lady working-out while on a travel trip.


Learn how to keep yourself in shape while on your travels with our travel fitness programs right here in Singapore.


Check out our

Travel Fitness Programs




Kettlebell Fitness Programs


Image of lady performing a kettlebell swing.


Sculpt yourself into shape with a wide variety of kettlebell exercises and movements with our Singapore kettlebell fitness program.


Check out our

Kettlebell Fitness Programs





Bands/Tubings Fitness Program


Photo of female working-out with a resistance band.


Get in shape with the versatile resistance band/tubing in our island-wide Singapore tubing/band fitness program.


Check out our

Tubings/Bands Fitness Programs





Suspension Training Programs


Image of woman exercising with a suspension trainer.


Learn how to leverage on your body-weight and get a full body workout with our suspension training programs right here in Singapore.


Check out our

Suspension Training Programs




Medicine Ball Fitness Programs


Image of lady client exercising with a medicine ball.


Tone and sculpt yourself using a variety of medicine ball drills and exercises with our Singapore medicine ball fitness program.


Check out our

Medicine Ball Fitness Programs





Core Training Programs


Picture of a lady performing a core exercise on the floor.


Learn how to work your core - correctly and optimally - with our core fitness training programs right here in Singapore.


Check out our

Core Fitness Programs





IPPT & NAPFA Fitness Programs


Image of a military man taking his annual IPPT/NAPFA test.


Ace your school's and the military's fitness tests with our specialized NAPFA/IPPT fitness training program conducted here in Singapore.


Check out our

IPPT/NAPFA Fitness Programs





Strength Training Programs


Image of a woman engaging in strength training.


Build lean muscle, functional strength and strong bones with our resistance training program conducted here in Singapore.


Check out our

Strength Training Program Options





Posterior Chain Training Programs


Photo of woman training her posterior chain.


Enhance your sport performance and functional fitness with a strong and stable Posterior Chain through our workouts here in Singapore.


Check out our

Posterior Chain Training Programs





Other Personal Training Programs


Picture of a personal training client with her personal trainer.


Check out our full range and variety of personal training classes, one-on-one training options and other choices available here in Singapore.


Check out our

Personal Training Program Options





Standard/General Fitness Trainers


Image of a standard fitness trainer training a client.


Standard or General Fitness Trainers offer you a lower-cost yet still professional option to meeting your fitness needs here in Singapore. 


Check out our

Standard/General Fitness Trainers





Fitness Assessments And Tests


Image of a skinfold calipers test in process.


Find out your fitness level and track your fitness progress with our slew of on-site fitness tests and assessments available here in Singapore.


Check out our range of

Fitness Tests And Assessments



Fitness Workshops And Courses


Image of participants during a hands-on fitness workshop course.


Educate yourself on the latest in fitness know-how and training with our island-wide fitness workshops and courses.


Check out our

Fitness Workshops And Courses



Fitness Collaborations


Image of a handshake symbolizing a fitness collaboration.


Partner with one of Singapore's most respected fitness providers and take your fitness business to a whole new level with us.


Check out our

Fitness Collaborations And Ventures



Fitness Promotions


Image of a sample range of our fitness promotions and offers.


Our full range of fitness promotions, special offers, discounts and other attractive deals available here in Singapore.


Check out our

Fitness Promotions And Offers




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Do connect with us on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Important Note

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ALL Terms & Conditions listed here

 on this site.

COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A