What Is A Stair-Based Exercise Program?
A stair exercise program is one that makes use
of the steps or stairs in our immediate environment as an exercise tool to
help us improve our aerobic fitness, boost our body's calorie-burning
capacity, and to increase our lower body muscular power and endurance.
Since climbing stairs/steps is one of the most
fundamental and essential skills needed for independent living and
mobility, stair-based workouts are now widely incorporated as crucial and critical
components into
adult/senior fitness programs.
Also, as stairs/steps are ever-present in our urban
landscapes and can be found practically in any home, office building, residential area
or public space, their sheer accessibility and convenience make them
terrific tools for everyday fitness workouts!
Why Do We Need To Do Stair-Based Exercises?
Research has shown that as we age, ALL of us will experience
some degree of loss in overall muscular strength, joint mobility,
coordination, balance and overall function.
As such, many of us may face increasing difficulties in navigating steps and stairs in
our daily lives as the years gradually catch-up with us.
In order NOT to lose our independence and ability to climb up
or to go down stairs as we grow older, we consciously need focused training in the area of stairway negotiation and
ambulation to keep this vital skill alive and intact.
Through a range of scientifically-designed stair-based exercises
together with their numerous variations, derivatives and secondary
conditioning drills - not only can we maintain and improve our stair-climbing
capabilities, in the process, we can also help to develop all-round fitness, athleticism
and well-being for ourselves.
All these, in turn, will
translate to better performance in our day-to-day physical activities and
a higher quality of life.
Whom This Program Is For
For any mid-life or older adult who likes to:
improve and enhance his/her stair locomotion
learn how to use the common stairs as a
workout tool in their fitness programs,
use stair-training
as a means to burn fat, build strength, enhance cardio fitness,
increase endurance and boost power output.
Our Fitness Approach
At your desired location here in Singapore, we'll show you how to
fully-utilize and harness the power of the ubiquitous stairs
to achieve your fitness needs and goals.
We'll take you through all the necessary
bio-mechanics, gait mechanisms, foot placement strategies,
postural considerations and even breathing patterns to
increase your chances of success in this program!
Our Program Format
Our Stair Fitness Training Program can be conducted either as part of a
Personal Training Program,
a Couple/Partner Program, a
Group Fitness Training Program or as a
Workshop for participants.
Please click on the above-related links to
assess your options.
Our Rates
Please click on our Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.
Our Training Times
We provide stair fitness training and workshops throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable
days and timings
- but all strictly by appointment ONLY .
Our first fitness appointment of the day
may start as early as 7am and our last appointment of the
day may end no later than 9pm.
All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve
and are subject to availability.
Our Credentials
We are one of the rare few fitness
providers in Singapore with a recognized and bona-fide
Master Trainer
on our books.
On top of that, we are the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers proof,
verification and validation of our fitness credentials.
Check out for yourself
who we are
and our
range of fitness qualifications and experience.
Other Concerns
If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding our
fitness training services, please do check up our
fitness services FAQs
page first to see if your query has already been addressed, and if not,
please don't hesitate then to
contact us

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