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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore On-Site Fitness Services

Rates/Pricing And Packages



My services are specially catered for those belonging to the following demographic groups:

  • Mid-Life Individuals,

  • Senior/Older Adults, or

  • Persons with Existing Health/Medical/Special Conditions.

I will be the RIGHT fit for you, if you:

  • are truly COMMITTED to making real changes to your quality of life,

  • only want the HIGHEST level of professionalism, competence and ethical integrity in your coach,

  • are looking for EXCEPTIONAL expertise, service and experience in your trainer,

  • seek only the very BEST that your money could buy.

Note: All fitness services come with the Singapore Fitness Industry's only Triple Guarantee (click on logos to read more):



When you engage me to work on your health and fitness needs, be assured that you are getting the following:

  • One-On-One Personal Attention, Supervision And Follow-Up

  • Customized And Individualized Programming

  • Multi-Prong Holistic Fitness Approach (Exercise, Nutrition, Lifestyle, Mindset)

  • Over 20 Years Of Coaching Experience And Expertise

  • Industry Knowledge Backed By Multiple Certifications And Advanced Qualifications

  • Empathy, Compassion And care

Please click on the relevant links below to view my current rates and charges:


All-In-One On-Site

Private Personal Training Cost & Details*

(Home, Outdoors, Mobile)



- includes ALL the components listed in our Personal Training Program Package :

  • On-Site Training

  • Customized Exercise Programming

  • Individualized Nutritional Counseling

  • Lifestyle & Behavior Management

  • Mindset Conditioning

Coaching conducted personally by myself:  

Rick Wong, Master Trainer & Senior Exercise Consultant


*Do enquire about on-going promotions and discounts!





$800 nett at YOUR location


(Unit Cost: $160/session)





$1500 nett at YOUR location


(Unit Cost: $150/session)






$2800 nett at YOUR location


(Unit Cost: $140/session)






$3900 nett at YOUR location


(Unit Cost: $130/session)



The above are all in NETT cost.


- NO hidden cost.


- NO administrative cost.


- NO transportation cost.


- NO miscellaneous charges.


Check out the following benefits and features.


Assess your payment options and methods


Do a comparison check of fitness services in Singapore



All Prices Are In NETT COST.


All Payment Is UPFRONT Upon Confirmation & Booking



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form





Couple/Partner Fitness Training Costs & Details*




Coaching conducted personally by myself:  

Rick Wong, Master Trainer & Senior Exercise Consultant


- include ALL personal training components for 2 persons:

  • On-Site Training

  • Customized Exercise Programming

  • Individualized Nutritional Counseling

  • Lifestyle & Behavior Management

  • Mindset Conditioning

*Do enquire about on-going promotions and discounts!





$1200 nett for 2 persons

at YOUR location





$2250 nett for 2 persons

at YOUR location






 $4200 nett for 2 persons

at YOUR location






$5850 nett for 2 persons

at YOUR location



The above are all in NETT cost.


- NO hidden cost.


- NO administrative cost.


- NO transportation cost.


- NO miscellaneous charges.


Check out the following benefits and features.


Assess your payment options and methods


Do a comparison check of fitness services in Singapore



All Prices Are In NETT COST.


All Payment Is UPFRONT Upon Confirmation & Booking



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form





Small Group Training / Boot Camp Costs & Details




Coaching conducted personally by myself:  

Rick Wong, Master Trainer & Senior Exercise Consultant


- strictly exercise guidance and coaching only.


- NO individual customization or tailoring.



Small Group Training /

Fitness Boot Camp Package

At YOUR Desired Location



- for 3 to 5 (maximum) participants

- participants can share out the cost among themselves.

5 Sessions = $800


10 Sessions = $1500



The above are all in NETT cost.


- NO hidden cost.


- NO administrative cost.


- NO transportation cost.


- NO miscellaneous charges.


Check out the following benefits and features.


Assess your payment options and methods


Do a comparison check of fitness services in Singapore



All Prices Are In NETT COST.


All Payment Is UPFRONT Upon Confirmation & Booking



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form





Live Video-Streamed

Virtual Personal Training Cost & Details



- includes the following components listed in our Personal Training Program Package :

  • "Live" Online Training

  • Customized Exercise Programming

  • Individualized Nutritional Counseling

  • Lifestyle & Behavior Management

  • Mindset Conditioning


ALL "live" video-streamed virtual coaching will be conducted personally by myself: Rick Wong, Master Trainer & Senior Exercise Consultant





$650 nett Live!





$1200 nett Live!






$2200 nett Live!






$3000 nett Live!



The above are all in NETT cost.


- NO hidden cost.


- NO administrative cost.


- NO miscellaneous charges.


Check out the following benefits and features.


Assess your payment options and methods


Do a comparison check of fitness services in Singapore



All Prices Are In NETT COST.


All Payment Is UPFRONT Upon Confirmation & Booking



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form





Pre-Recorded PDF-Based

Online Personal Training Cost & Details



- includes the following components listed in our Personal Training Program Package :

  • Customized Exercise Programming

  • Individualized Nutritional Counseling

  • Lifestyle & Behavior Management

  • Mindset Conditioning


ALL pre-recorded online coaching (including accompanying fitness videos, exercise photos and other illustrations) will be conducted personally by myself: Rick Wong, Master Trainer & Senior Exercise Consultant.





$500 nett Online!





$900 nett Online!






$1600 nett Online!






$2100 nett Online!



The above are all in NETT cost.


- NO hidden cost.


- NO administrative cost.


- NO miscellaneous charges.


Check out the following benefits and features.


Assess your payment options and methods


Do a comparison check of fitness services in Singapore



All Prices Are In NETT COST.


All Payment Is UPFRONT Upon Confirmation & Booking



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form





Fitness Workshops And Courses Details




All workshops and courses will be conducted personally by myself:  

Rick Wong, Master Trainer & Senior Exercise Consultant



Customized Fitness Workshop

On Any Of The Following Topics:





$350 per person


for 2 Hours Practical Workshop


at YOUR location*


- Notes & Handouts given

- Any number of participants to run

- Certificate Of Attendance provided


* Note: A minimum of 4-6 weeks advance booking is required for all our fitness workshops.



The above are all in NETT cost.


- NO hidden cost.


- NO administrative cost.


- NO transportation cost.


- NO miscellaneous charges.


Assess your payment options and methods


Do a comparison check of fitness services in Singapore



All Prices Are In NETT COST.


All Payment Is UPFRONT Upon Confirmation & Booking



Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form





**Looking For A Cheaper Alternative?**


I fully understand that NOT everyone can afford a Master Trainer nor a Senior Exercise Consultant to work on their fitness needs; nor necessarily need one for very basic or general fitness needs.


You may wish to consider the fitness services provided by other Standard/General Fitness Trainers instead, if you currently fall into any one of the following groups:

  • you require only very general fitness assistance,

  • you are seeking only for basic advice or simple recommendations in your current fitness regime,

  • you require just a typical or conventional approach to your fitness program,

  • you have NO outstanding medical issues or health concerns,

  • you are restrained by a tight budget,

  • you are looking for low-cost/entry-level fitness providers just to sample what personal training is about.

Please fill-out the following Contact Form and I'll do our best to refer you to an available Standard/General Trainer instead.


Do connect with me on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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Important Note

By accessing or using any of the services on this website, you have hereby agreed to be bound by

ALL Terms & Conditions listed here

 on this site.

COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A