Fitness is MORE than just exercise
alone - it is an all-encompassing entity that includes nutrition,
lifestyle, emotions, sleep habits and mental
As such, I have developed a Holistic
Fitness Program to address this multi-dimensional aspect of
fitness and to bring you closer to achieving optimal health, fitness and
well-being in your body, mind and soul.
Whom This Program Is For
Basically for anyone who yearns to seek balance and equilibrium in life
- as a Multi-Dimensional Being intimately inter-connected
and inter-dependent on the various elements that make up our WHOLE
My Fitness Approach
I'll first assess and analyze your fitness needs, and then subsequently
draw up a fitness program for you encompassing: an exercise regime,
dietary guidelines, lifestyle management tools, stress
reduction techniques and mind conditioning techniques.
My philosophy here is to work on your Whole Person -
body, mind, spirit, and emotions -
so as to help you gain proper balance and perspective in life, and
achieve all-round optimal well-being and fitness.
Our Program Components
My holistic fitness training program can be conducted as a full-fledged
Personal Training Program, a Couple/Partner Fitness Program or as a
Group Fitness Boot Camp
For those who sign-up for the customized personal training program, you will
be entitled to all the following components
as listed in our Personal Training Program
Features Page.
For the couple/partner workout option, please go to
Couple/Partner Fitness Program section for more information.
For the group fitness boot camp option, please check out the
Singapore Fitness Boot Camp section for more details.
My Rates
Please click on the Fitness Rates/Charges
page to find out more.
My Training Times
My holistic fitness training program is available throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable
days and timings
- but all strictly by appointment ONLY .
I accept fitness appointments as early as 7am
and no later by 8pm.
Currently, I work only from Mondays to Fridays.
All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve
and are subject to availability.
My Credentials
I am one of the few fitness providers in Singapore
who is both a Master Trainer
and Senior Exercise Consultant.
On top of that, I'm the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers proof,
verification and validation of my fitness credentials and
Please feel free to check out for yourself
my Personal Bio
and my
range of fitness qualifications and experience.
Other Concerns
If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding my
holistic fitness training services, please feel free to check the
General FAQs Page or
contact me
Alternatively, please also check out my
other personal
training options available here in Singapore.

Do connect with us on
Facebook &
Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!