What Is A Senior Exercise Group Or An Older Adult
Fitness Boot Camp
Basically, it is an exercise group or
fitness boot camp specially-designed and customized to suit the
special needs of older adults and
seniors here in Singapore.
Why Do We Need Such An Age-Differentiated Exercise
Group Or Fitness Boot Camp
As we age, our bodily needs, functions and overall
physiology CHANGES.
In other words, our bodies NO longer
function as effectively and efficiently as when we were in our 20s, 30s
or even 40s!
Hence, to exercise the SAME way as we did when we
were much younger would only be a recipe for DISASTER: think pain,
injuries, trauma or even worse!
Hence, older adults and seniors are encouraged to
age-specific or age-differentiated
exercises suitable for their current phase of life.
Whom This Program Is For
For all older adults and seniors who would like to build
all-round fitness,
strength, mobility
while exercising in a fun, positive and supportive
group environment.
Exercising in a group is especially suitable for those seeking a Full-Body Workout amidst
group camaraderie, motivation and mutual encouragement.
Fitness Approach
I adopt a fun, functional and cross-training
approach in running my fitness boot camps for the mature population.
My goal is to help you STAY ACTIVE and build FUNCTIONAL FITNESS via focusing on exercises
using your own body-weight,
in conjunction with other modalities like calisthenics, kickboxing,
resistance training, dance aerobics and other movement-based games and
physical activities - all suitably MODIFIED and ADAPTED to suit your
present stage
of life!
My exercise groups and fitness boot camps are also
suitable for people of different fitness levels, as I will demonstrate
both regressions and progressions of any movement taught.
All sessions will also be run on the basis of ACCOUNTABILITY, ENCOURAGEMENT and SUPPORT.
So, if your goal is to lose weight,
increase strength, raise your endurance level, and enhance your
all-round fitness and well-being, then our Group Workouts are for YOU!
How It Works
Form your own
Private Group, decide upon a fixed location and a set schedule, and
we'll be good to go!
My Rates
Please click on my Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.
My Training Times
My senior exercise groups and older adult boot camps are available throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable
days and timings
- but all strictly by appointment ONLY.
I accept fitness appointments as early as 7am
and no later by 8pm.
Currently, I work only from Mondays to Fridays.
All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve
and are subject to availability.
My Credentials
I am one of the few fitness providers in Singapore
who is both a Master Trainer
and Senior Exercise Consultant.
On top of that, I'm the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers
verification and validation of my fitness credentials and
Please feel free to check out for yourself
my Personal Bio
and my
range of fitness qualifications and experience.
Other Boot Camp Information

Do connect with me on
Facebook &
Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise,
nutrition and more!