What Is A Senior/Older Adult Fitness
Program ?
From a fitness perspective, a senior or
older adult is usually defined as a person aged 50 years or more.
Hence, a senior/older adult fitness program is an exercise program that
is specially tailored and customized to suit the special needs of those
in this particular age group.
Why Is There A Need For A
Senior/Older Adult Fitness Program
First of all, EVERYONE grows old one day!
And what works for us when we're in our 20s, 30s, or even 40s, is usually
NO longer relevant when we reach our 50s or more!
So to train like we still do when we're
'young', would not only be detrimental to our overall health and
fitness, but also be inviting unnecessary pain and damage
to our joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles and bones!
That's why a Senior/Older Adults
Fitness Program is essential when we reach this phase of life.
With its emphasis on everyday
functional movements, low-impact exercises and
low-moderate training volumes & intensities, a senior/older
adults fitness program can truly add YEARS to one's life and help
us to age graciously, live independently and achieve a
high quality of life in our Golden Years and beyond!
Whom This Program Is For
For all older adults and senior citizens here in Singapore - aged
years and above - who like to improve their current health/fitness
status, right in their very own residences or homes, and who wish to attain the following fitness goals:
Enhance mobility and flexibility
Maintain bone
mass and muscle mass
Improve cardiovascular and coronary health
Boost immune system
Stay in good health
Keep fit
Achieve a vibrant, active and independent lifestyle
Boost self-confidence
Improve appearance and
Fitness Approach
Based on your current health status, medical history and fitness goals,
will design a customized and tailored fitness program just for you.
Depending on where you choose to have your fitness workouts - home,
outdoors or office - I will guide you on how to make use of your
own body-weight,
together with a wide range of
portable & functional
fitness tools, in conjunction with other furniture and fixtures in
your immediate environment, to help you wind back the years and look
and feel younger again!
Senior/Older Adult Fitness Program Components
My senior/older adults fitness training program is conducted as a full-fledged personal
training program, and you will get all the following components as
listed in the Personal Training Program
Features Page.
My Rates
Please click on my Fitness Rates/Charges to find out more.
My Training Times
My senior/older adult fitness training program is available throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable
days and timings
- but all strictly by appointment ONLY .
I accept fitness appointments as early as 7am
and no later by 8pm.
Currently, I work only from Mondays to Fridays.
All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve
and are subject to availability.
My Credentials
I am one of the few fitness providers in Singapore
who is both a Master Trainer
and Senior Exercise Consultant.
On top of that, I'm the ONLY Singapore fitness provider who offers
verification and validation of my fitness credentials and
Please feel free to check out for yourself
my Personal Bio
and my
range of fitness qualifications and experience.
Other Concerns
If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding my senior/older adults fitness training services,
please do check the
Seniors/Older Adults Fitness Program FAQs Page to see if your query has already been addressed.
If you cannot find what you want, please feel free to check the
General FAQs Page or
contact me

Do connect with me on
Facebook &
Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!