What Is A Fitness
Consultation Session?
A fitness consultation session is one where both the
trainer and the client get to meet-up face-to-face with the purpose of getting to know each other better, to discuss training objectives, to set up short-term as well as
long-term goals, and to lay down markers, expectations and ground rules pertaining to the
fitness program.
What Happens During A Fitness Consultation Session?
During a fitness consultation session, your
trainer/coach will guide you through the following:
- A question-and-answer style interview will
be conducted to find out more about your personal background, your medical
history, your current health/fitness status, your lifestyle habits, your
fitness needs and goals, your likes and dislikes etc.
- A health assessment phase to measure your
resting blood pressure, resting heart rate, body fat percentage, lean
muscle mass percentage, girth circumference readings etc. so as
to give your trainer/coach a rough idea of your current health
- A fitness evaluation phase to gauge your
current fitness level will also be conducted. This phase may include
various fitness
tests to determine: your static posture, your movement efficiency, your
cardiovascular fitness, your upper body strength, your core strength,
your lower body muscular endurance, your flexibility, your balance etc.
What Happens Thereafter?
Based on all the information and results collected
from the fitness consultation, your trainer/coach will then sit
down with you to discuss and map out a realistic fitness plan for you
going forward.
Taking into account all your fitness needs,
exercise goals as well as other personal factors and considerations, a tailored and customized
fitness program will then be specially drawn-out for you.
Relevant Applications
The above fitness consultation proceedings usually take place only for
the following types of ONE-TO-ONE fitness programs:
*Other fitness programs that typically involve more than
1 participant usually have a consultation process that is quite
different from the above.
Other Concerns
If you have any other concerns, issues or questions regarding the fitness
consultation process and procedures, please feel free to
contact me

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