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Singapore Home, Outdoor &

Mobile Fitness Specialists


 Dedicated Fitness Solutions For The Older Adult And Special Population Groups




Singapore Partner/Couple Fitness Program FAQs




Below are some of the frequently-asked questions regarding our Couple Fitness Training or Partner Fitness Services:


1. What Is A Partner/Couple Fitness Program?


2. What Are The Advantages Of Working Out In Twos?


3. What Do We Expect To Receive When We Sign-Up For Your Couple/Partner Fitness Services?


4. Where Do You Conduct Your Partner/Couple Fitness Sessions?


5. What Is The Cost Of Your Partner/Couple Fitness Programs?


6. What Are Your Available Slots For Booking?


7. How Do I Make Payment?


8. How Do I Sign-Up?



1. What Is A Partner/Couple Fitness Program?


A partner fitness or couple fitness training program is one where 2 persons workout simultaneously under the supervision of a certified fitness trainer. Usually, the 2 persons are related in one way or another - such as spouses, partners, friends, relatives, family members or even co-workers.




2. What Are The Advantages Of Working Out In Twos?

When you workout with a partner, not only are you spending quality time with that person, but also bonding deeply over shared fitness goals, and enhancing your relationship with each other via mutual support, encouragement and motivation. Moreover, it's definitely more FUN working-out with another person than alone, isn't it?



3. What Do We Expect To Receive When We Sign-Up For Your Couple/Partner Fitness Services?


You and your partner together will both undergo a face-to-face consultation session with your fitness trainer who will then discuss and align both your fitness goals.


(Note: As both of you will be training together, it is imperative that you share similar fitness goals for the program to be implemented successfully.)


During this session, you and your partner will also undergo a series of questionnaires and assessments to gauge both your current fitness levels, your medical status as well as your lifestyle history. Both your vital statistics including resting heart rate, blood pressure, body fat percentage and other personal data will also be taken.


Your fitness trainer will then use the above data to design a personalized and customized fitness program just for the 2 of you.




4. Where Do You Conduct Your Partner/Couple Fitness Sessions?


Our couple/partner fitness programs are conducted throughout Singapore! Common places include clients' living rooms, outdoor parks, public tracks/stadiums, fitness corners, playgrounds and along beaches.




5. What Is The Cost Of Your Partner/Couple Fitness Programs?


The cost of our Partner/Couple Fitness Services is a reflection of our professionalism, unrivalled experience and excellent track record in the Singapore Fitness Industry. For exact cost details, please check out our Fitness Rates & Pricing.




6. What Are Your Available Slots For Booking?


Our Partner/Couple Fitness Training are conducted throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable days and timings.


However, all sessions are strictly by appointment ONLY .


Our first fitness appointment of the day may start as early as 7am and our last appointment of the day may end no later than 9pm.


All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve basis and are subject to availability.





7. How Do I Make Payment?


You can make payment either by CASH, by CHEQUE or by BANK TRANSFER. Please go to our payment methods and options page for more details.




8. How Do I Sign-Up?


Just go to our Sign-Up Page or click on the button below!


Button Link to Singapore Fitness Sign-Up Form




Do connect with us on Twitter, Facebook & Blogger for the latest updates and news on fitness, exercise, nutrition and more!




Out-Of-The-Gym Fitness Training In Singapore

For The Middle-Aged, Seniors & Older Adults

.... At Home, Outdoors, ANYWHERE!


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COPYRIGHT 2000-2019  RickFit Fitness Enterprise  


Business Reg. No. 53073056A