Below are some of the frequently-asked
questions and replies to our Singapore Kids And Youth Fitness Programs :
1. What Is A
Kids/Youth Fitness Conditioning Program?
What Can My Child Expect To Receive When I Sign Him/Her Up For A Kids/Youth Fitness Program?
3. Where Do You Conduct Your
Kids/Youth Fitness Conditioning Program?
4. What Is The
Cost Of Your Kids/Youth Fitness Conditioning Program?
5. How Do I
Know Whether I Can Trust You?
What Are Your Available Slots For Booking?
How Do I Make Payment?
How Do I Sign-Up?
1. What Is A Kids/Youth Fitness Conditioning Program?
A kids/youth fitness conditioning program is
one that is specially-designed to cater to children and adolescents
between 7 and 14 years of age. This program aims to inculcate the
importance of physical education and physical activity into the lives of
our young, and to guide them to lead active and healthy lifestyles .
What Can My Child Expect To Receive When I Sign
Him/Her Up For A Kids/Youth Fitness Program?
Firstly, an appointment
will be made for you and your child to meet up with his/her personal fitness
trainer for a face-to-face consultation session.
During this session, your child's
trainer/instructor will get to gauge your child's temperament, and to get an
idea of how well they can get along.
Your child may also undergo a health/fitness
assessment to evaluate his/her past medical history and to track his/her
various health parameters and vital statistics.
The data
collected from these assessments will then be used to design a
personalized and customized fitness
conditioning program for
your child.
more detailed information, please refer to our
detailed description of
Personal Training Package components
note: only some components are applicable to a Kids/Youth Fitness Program)
Where Do You Conduct Your
Kids/Youth Fitness Conditioning Program?
In line with our gym-less approach, we usually conduct our kids/youth fitness
conditioning sessions at
places such as your home compound, public stadiums, neighbourhood parks and outdoor
fitness corners.
4. What Is
The Cost Of Your Kids/Youth Fitness Conditioning Program?
cost of our Kids/Youth Fitness Conditioning Services reflects our
exceptional professionalism
and premier standing within the fitness community. For more detailed information, please check out
our Fitness Rates &
How Do I Know Whether I Can Trust
First and foremost, we are a bona-fide fitness business
registered with the
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) of the
Republic of Singapore - the national regulator of business entities and
public accountants in the country.
The registered name of our company is RickFit Fitness Enterprise and our business
registration number is 53073056A.
We are currently the ONLY fitness company in Singapore that
actively invites members of the public to
scrutinize, check and validate our fitness credentials.
On top of that, we also provide authentic and un-corrupted
clients' testimonials for verification and validation.
What Are Your Available Slots For Booking?
Our kids/youth fitness training are conducted throughout Singapore at flexible and negotiable
days and timings.
However, all sessions are strictly by appointment ONLY .
Our first fitness appointment of the day
may start as early as 7am and our last appointment of the
day may end no later than 9pm.
All bookings are also strictly on a First-Come-First-Serve
and are subject to availability.
7. How Do I
Make Payment?
You can make payment can be made either by CASH, by CHEQUE
or by BANK TRANSFER. Please go to our
payment methods and
options page for more details.
8. How Do I Sign-Up?
Just go to our Sign-Up
Page or click on the button below!

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